10 Savvy Tips to Remodelling your Kitchen

10 Savvy Tips to Remodelling your Kitchen

Getting ready to remodel your kitchen? Take a look at our ten savvy tips for those looking to build their very own custom kitchen!

1. Know your budget

Establish a budget early. Knowing how much you want to spend is going to help you keep the whole thing from getting out of hand and give you the freedom to make the bigger choices with confidence.

2. Know where to spend the money

Almost as important as knowing how much you want to spend is knowing how you’re going to spend it. There are things in the kitchen that you can save money on, but equally, there are things you don’t want to cut costs on.

3. Make the layout a priority

Layout is all-important. Building your own customised kitchen gives you the chance to reshape how you interact with your kitchen. Remodel your kitchen with the view to making it a space that is a joy to move around in.

4. Find the right spots for your outlets

Outlet placement is huge. Nothing takes the shine off using that brand-new food processor than having to run a cord halfway across the kitchen to get it going. Pick your spots carefully. A discrete but accessible outlet makes all the difference.

5. Consider your storage options

Not everything has to be tucked away in a cupboard, but everything needs a place. Custom storage options like rails to hang your favourite utensils from can bring out the best in your kitchen and make it a joy to look at.

6. Palatte – it’s about more than just food

Splashes of colour can be an exciting way to brighten up your new custom kitchen. But equally important are the choices of colour that don’t stand out so much. Take some time to develop a colour palette that complements those bigger statements and the space as a whole.

7. Play around with texture

Another important thing to consider is the way your kitchen feels. The warmth of a timber benchtop, the gentle underfoot friction of polished concrete, texture can reshape it all. Don’t be afraid of taking a risk on a material that’s interesting to you.

8. Keep it practical

Building your own custom kitchen space is a chance to cut loose, but it is important to consider how you’re going to maintain the looks and functionality of your kitchen. Is the space going to age well? Is anything going to be a pain to keep clean?  

9. Try out that weird fitting

A remodel is a great opportunity to make the most of new and interesting fittings and accessories. Hose extensions on taps, soft close cabinet fasteners, perhaps an in-sink disposal unit, check out what you can do with innovative fittings to make your cooking a joy.

10. Make it fun

Above all else, building your own custom kitchen space is a chance to make your kitchen a joy to be in. Make it fun and remember that there aren’t any rules, just guidelines. Make sure you’re making your kitchen a pleasure to be in.

Rod’s Kitchens – The custom kitchen builders of choice

Get going on that remodel with the support of Brisbane’s best custom kitchen builders. At Rod’s Kitchens, we work with our clients to build them the kitchen they’ll love. Get started by getting in contact with us today!

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